Truth Seekers
meet monthly
see more at
Jan. 4,
Feb 1, Mar. 1, Apr. 5, May 3, Jun. 7, Jul. 5, Aug. 2, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1,
Dec. 6
304 344 2335 Top O Rock off MacCorkle
Ave. @ Porter Rd.
Meet at Kanawha Co. Library Jan. & Feb. then back to Top O Rock after
Come join us in discussion - 9-11, Free Energy, Health alternatives, Chem Trails, toxic chemicals in our air, land, water.
Of many things you may have wondered about, been curious or suspicious, we have gathered specific evidence
from national witnesses, scientist, engineers, physicists, military, gov., media and more. We share much from our
vast library of 1,000+ different DVDs, 1,000s of articles, 400+ books, 500+ audios & radio interviews.
We began in intensive investigation of 9-11
We find the world is very different than the main stream news would have us believe.
What Really Happened on 9-11 ?
Help us Wake Up America ! Contact
Truth Seekers
.. the Quest at Top O Rock,
Ted Elden,
Charleston, West Virginia
@ 304 344 2335
near Univ. of Charleston, Columbia Gas, across MacCorkle Ave. from Verizon Phone at Porter Rd.
Charleston, West Virginia