The internet is powerful tool, as it
allows us to see the intelligent work
of many people.
News is not reliable, it is a great distraction to keep us separated
from the deeper truth.
I have studied this
man’s web site for 20+ hours
continuously. He has found such incredible things.
Let me show you just
one: (I do not agree with all that
web site shows, but I certainly agree with much of it.)
NASA Catastrophes Faked - News is Fake !
Challenger and <
- - for more detail see this
28, 1986, Shuttle Challenger Disaster, killing Christa McAuliffe, a teacher in space
as Challenger launched.
February 1, 2003, the Space Shuttle
into the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the death of all seven
crew members.
the casualties was one Laurel Blair
Salton Clark, flight mission specialist and medical doctor.
Add to this Sally Ride, physicist and former
Astronaut aboard Challenger in the early 1980s.
She helped to investigate
the Challenger disaster!
was supposedly the first woman in space.
Nowak, the former
NASA astronaut who was arrested at
These 4 women,
are the same woman, shows us more and more
deception in news.
1980s Sally Ride (born 1951- died 2012) <
1986 Christa McAuliffe
- 2006 Lisa Nowak (photo 1996)
< - 2003 Laurel Blair
Salton Clark
I do not know the dates these photos were take. They are from NASA web sites.
The following
two actors are playing bit parts in the “supposed”
John Goodman (of Rosanne TV) is the St. Police
Officer. He is also in the current movie Flight
And Mathew
Broderick (from Ferris Bueller’s
Day Off) is the minister in the news comforting the victims
At, he has dozens of
actor playing parts in news and even impersonating and acting in political
Susan Sarrandon is President of Switzerland, Jodie Foster is as important political leader.
They are just actors,
but the world is thinking they are elected native legitimate real people.