-hp- Truth Seekers - - the Moon Landing Hoax
... www.abodia.com/ 4 July /2013
Wake Up -
Surround us. Research
by Ted
Public Speaker, Architect, ret. computer guru
The world is very different then main steam news and government tells us. YOU can know the TRUTH !
Letter to NASA - Stop Lying - Show proof of moon landing !
NASA ADMITS We Never Went to the Moon 9 minutes you tube
Simple Basic Points showing what they portrayed is impossible.
Main Points - showing photos & video are faked. You Tube Videos: (more detail in articles below)
Moon Landings Fact or Fiction complete fixed - 2 hr. Marcus Allen - Best
What Happened On the Moon? - Analysis of the Lunar Photography UFO TV
What Happened On the Moon? Part 2 - Environmental Dangers & The Trouble with Rockets - UFO TV
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon
We Never Went to the Moon.com- Fake Moon Landing Totally Exposed
We Didn't go to the Moon - Jim Fetzer, Moon Rocks books
History of Fake Space | Outer Space Does Not Exist Especially good at 6 min. forward
What Happened on the Moon ? Apollo Investigation - excellent Video presentation
https://www.aulis.com/moon_pt1.htm https://www.aulis.com/moon_pt2.htm
Photo Analysis: Jack White's Apollo Studies
of supposed Moon landing photos
Brief photo set Full photo set
Problems in the moon photos - Jack White
10 Reasons Moon Landings could be hoax.
Did man Ever land on the Moon ?
Moon Landing Hoax - Ralph Rene
NASA Mooned America - Ralph Rene
Kubrick's clues he filmed fake moon landings in the Shining movie
Quotes of things wrong in Moon Landing Record
Evidence of Fraud, US 1969-1972 Lunar Missions
Moon landings conspiracy theories
The Myth of Apollo - Did the USA really go to the Moon?
Human Space Travel Hoaxes 1959-2016
Moon Hoax - Did we go to the moon
Fake ISS Green Screen Proofs Videos - Fake No Gravity
Dark Moon by David Percy & Mary Bennett
Jack White's Photo Analysis
One Small Step by Gerhard Wisnewski
NASA Mooned America by Ralph Rene
Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by R. Hoagland
Apollo Record on the web.
60 Years of Faking Space ( Flat Earth )
Page Exposing NASA Intro video
These are several videos on a play list.