Truth Seekers - the Quest since Feb. 2005 -
Final WakeUp - Great Awakening
New articles 2024 Nov. Circus 2024
Old World Buildings - History is a set of lies agreed upon. Napoleon- popular history is a lie.
In all time, world wide, there's no evidence of a virus that makes people sick.
Germs and viruses do not exist !
Dr. Tom Cowan, San Francisco, explains.
Jump in at 5 or 20 minutes.
Laura Aboli "Transhumanism: The End Game"
2 Oct 2024 Extremely Important. Anyone can Read.
FINAL PHASE PLAN - INTEL, 2 Oct 2024, new QFS, soon 10 days of darkness
Ashville No. Carolina. storm notes
Why were US Ports shutdown ? changing from US to American ports
What's going on: articles from Telegram links Julian Assange Charlie Ward
articles Jewish Control of media, finance, world
Assange speaks: Council of Europe human rights hearing in Strasbourg
27 Sept. 2024 - 88 new articles 88 files in 1 link.
Stop World End of Covid documentary
10,000+ articles on this website You're visitor #
2024-08-19 new articles vaccines danger
2024-06-19 - links to See Old World
2024 05-01 index
I make major continuing changes to this website.
Please contact me if you might help us to share information
H at I can mail data DVDs with video presentations showing the fakery of Moon Landings. When people watch these, they understand many fake things in photos/ videos from fake Moon Landings.
Old World buildings. They still remain today
Old World Order - Hibbeler Productions
See also Michelle Gibson
Revealing What Has Been Hidden in Front of Our Eyes
My Lunch Break on You Tube & Rumble
Timeline Begins in 1800? - Pt 1
- - - - - -
Exposing The Deep State Globalist 9 min.
Urgent Emergency- Federal Warning for Possible Cyber Attack on 200 Million Bank Accounts (WW3)
Banks are failing, suddenly, from constitutional lawyer
JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab
Klaus Schwab’s Health Deteriorating After Arrest
Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab
Awakening Humanity- 9 min video details
Tucker Carlson interviews Putin
> End of COVID topics & presentations, from BrightU
> 90 hours on covid, vax, crypto, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Gov. Brilliant presentations dispelling popular myths.
Fear of Covid lead many to take the toxic jab called a vaccine
Klann of Arizona Republic serves States of Arizona Supervisors statement
Vaccines Murder Millions Jon Rappoport
Video that Defies the Deep State ! vax safety detox
2024-04-Apr 15 articles-
2024 01 Jan 21 very important articles
2023 03 Mar 25
2023 03 Mar 20
Putin Bombs Cloning Lab in Ukraine -
2023 12 Dec 04 news articles Viral Delusion
2023 11 Nov 05 New many articles
2023 02 Feb 28 Peace, War and 9/11 - brilliant, weaves together published facts most never saw.
False Flag, Israel 4 Oct 2023-
Storm Rider, Telegram - Attacks MoreWho are They - Greg Reese report for InfoWars
over lay the natural human frequencies.No Farmers, No Food - Epoch Times
see what happened - Trump is commander & chief.Maui Massacre articles A different, dark history (summary) of development of America.
Dr. David Martin exposes W.H.O. killing with Covid, a bio-weapon, pretending to heal.
> Dr. Martin shows EU - gov. efforts to create lethal disease since 1960s Fauci+Covid
> Current studies scripture state national Final Days - Demonic AI
The Jones Plantation - the illusion of freedom, words hypnotize us.
To determine truth, you need information including suppressed info.
There are 10,000s articles on this website. has material similar to mine, presented as videos..
Elon Musk announces His Purchase of Google !! 8 min
You must learn many things different than popular news before you can consider the more complex on going crimes around & encompassing us.
Wake Up - Truth Surround us. Research by Ted Elden, Public Speaker, Little Rock Architect, ret. computer guru People lesson 13th-amendment Jenn West Robert House Comments CMU contact Introduction Fun - great dance, kiss, actors '50s Tot. Comm
The purpose of this website is to show that much of popular thought is a lie, to get us to waive our rights, lose our freedoms & property. "Governments" want us dependent on them. They are actively killing millions now: vaccine, war, starvation, psyche-ops,
> End of COVID free replay Seminars to spread truth about vaccine, masks, lockdowns, soc. distancing & remedy
> Liars 10 min. Government & Mainstream Media hoaxes
> Trump is Commander in Chief now complicated, see how, X22 reports Derek Johnson explains
> Shots: Eugenics to PLANdemics on Tubi
> Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening - Fake science, illusionary illness, fear destroy us.
> Futures (bitchute) Max Igan CrowHouse Many excellent points, watch to end.
> W.H.O. by Treaties, takes jurisdiction over all countries to implement health issues.
> Federal Reserve, Titanic, huge crime 1 min. video
> Maps of Deep State ( on-going evil ) >
> Zionist Power Structure Controls Trump, Biden, USA Politics
> There is no virus - ever that has been identified, proven to exist, proven to cause disease, or that can be contagious. __ We get sick from toxins, preservatives in food, air, water. The body tries to throw them off, which is what we call illness. Detoxing makes us feel sick. We're sick from what we took into body. Follow link at beginning.
> Amalek 1 2 3 Jews, Zionist trying to kill us Planned Genocide & more
> The Mother of all lies - Dr. Tom Cowan- a virus is dead cells that can't reproduce, nor move, nor be contagious.
> Vaxxed - Cover-Up To Catastrophy
call for end of bioweapon jab called vaccine Yeadon speeks> Shocking Words from Pfizer’s former Vice President, Dr. Mike Yeadon
> Be state national, not US citizen. see Sound of Freedom in theaters now.
> Word Magic and Casting Spells
> Save America - Get involved ! Contacts for our Congressmen !
> Tucker Carlson Goes Against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott
> Trump & Military are making arrests, trials & executions shown at
> The corona jab serum & it's effects on human DNA & Brain Hacking !
> Hoaxes, Moon Landings, Sandy Hook, 9-11 & more.
> a bit about Banking, Russo, Greg Reese, Paugh, implant chip.
> NOW Current Events Law Study h (at) 12/21/2023 Here is a search website that does not track you.
"The true voyage of discovery doesn't consists in seeing new places but in seeing with new eyes." - Marcel Proust
Please tell me if you look at once or twice a month. Then I can stop e-mailing you.
Our task is to manage info. and hopefully find & stand in truth. - Ted E 2¢ Mail, scripture studies
Tuesdays, we have open conf. call to discuss law, rights, conspiracies, health, any topic.
Thursdays we have open conference to discuss Fossilized Customs, errors in Christian thinking
Contact me if you'd like to join on our Conference Calls on Tuesdays 7 pm EDST > h @ <
Open Source TV, 100s of video links: cancer treatment, secret space, many great mysteries, coral castle Gallery
Recent articles: A new Index to 100s of files here.
Proof of 2¢ postage mail
Mail with only 2 ¢ postage proves many of our rights & truths are hidden.
Mail > 600+ More articles - Index <Control + F - Find > bracket show primary topics
Indexes to many more index pages.
New topics- new articles: US Military, covid & vaccine,
Election Fraud. [S]Election Code documentary about Nov. 2020 election.Mike Lindell's Absolute Series - Absolute Proof, Absolute Interference 1,000s of felons shown on video depositing illegal ballots.
New Dark Outpost Seized Documents Contain Evidence
Former Presidents Tortured and Ate Children !
You are more likely to be injured or dead if vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated at 3:14 min.
Those vaccinated or PCR tested, now emit BlueTooth MAC ID identification. & US military Q Plan to save world.
GreatAwakening.World DavidMartin.World
It's a Mad World: Murder by Lethal Injection. The film. click link
Primary issues with covid & jab called vaccine.
As you understand individual conspiracies,
you'll see how they all fit together. News Lies !
What you learn & know affects what else you can learn.
Be state national, also Claim of life.
The End of Germ Theory (, Crowhouse
GERM THEORY Debunked - Watch Documentary, free2shine, SpaceBusters
The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010
cv vaccine articles virus articles
The jab called CV vaccine is Greatest Lie in World History
Vaxxed people emit Bluetooth codes
Intl. jury findings on cv vaccine
- Virus is Not Contagious doc htm
Dr. Cowan on Virus - Pandemic Documentary - Who is Bill Gates articles & videos
CoronaVirus articles, Summary Covid Nurse Exposes NY Hospital
Ukraine hoax 2¢ mail irs conspiracy
Voter Fraud Voter fraud - 2000 mules indexes
The Fall of Cabal - End of World as we know it, synopsis
10 parts Documentary, 12 min, each. parts z
1-8 evil around us, 9-10 Good News coming.
Cabal finished pedophilia-child-trafficking
Fall of Cabal - World leaders Pedophiles
Ubunto Prosperity beyond money
Everything is broken Fears by year
> Step out of US corporation <
Advances Tech Mind Control Bioweapons- Freeland
Proof the plandemic was planned and is a 'crime against humanity', says 100s of lawyers & scientists.
As you read what you think is not relevant,
learn how these events affect your life, wealth, health, rights, etc.
This guy spoke in 1999 about what we will do now in 2022.
It is eerie, he is naming all our bad habits. Wow
Watching You Tubes, arguing with Soc. Media, much more.
BioWeapon labs in Ukraine - built by people & funds of United States
I will post new articles since 28 May 2022 here. - massive forensic evidence of huge 2020 voter fraud updated .
2,000 people, mules, couriers are stuffing ballot drop boxes in middle of night 2-4 am, long after the polls closed, traveling thru several counties & to many ballot drop boxes. 2,000 felonies caught on surveillance cameras confirmed with Device ID & GPS.
> Human Image - The Fundamental Legal Fiction video <
Man vs human, spiritual man vs legal person
> < or here:
Morning Star's Tale - free book, on line Life is about managing information. You have to study things you don't believe (things you don't know), before you discover suppressed truth revealed !
Voter Fraud Fellons arrested see
My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell's 'Absolute Proof' Documentary (voter fraud)
> Other Deceptions < ^ top of page
bit chute: Panic in Washington [DC] The Take Down GhostEzra notes
On search for:
Their plan has always been Pure Evil -- Wayne Jett
How One Man Took Down America Pharma Medicine Rockefeller 2 min yt
Corbett Report Documentaries 9/11, Oil, Banks, Medicine, Gates ...
Flexner Report - How Rockefeller eliminated natural cures & captured medical industry in US.v. text
> JFK to 911 Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick yt <
Perpetrators of 9-11 Cool stuff
Pastor explains New World Order yt transcript.
> My simplified web site <
The U.S. Government and its Military Have Declared War on the American People
Case 3:19-cv-02407-CAB-AHG. Link to Case
Case will be tried by Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California
Some Defendants are: Google LLC, Facebook inc, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk.
“Providing to China’s government, their corporations and nefarious entities, Facial Recognition, Voice Recognition, Body Detection, Skeleton Detection, Vital Organ Recognition, Emotion detection, Skin and Health Biometric and other Al technology that led to persecution, torture, organ harvesting, death and cremation of human beings in China, not limited to Uighur, Falun Dafa, Christian, Tibetan, Democracy activists, judges, attorneys, common citizens and other minority groups. Endangering the world by Weaponizing China’s Al Capabilities that is be laid on the (BRI) One Belt One Road linking Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe, endangering all of humanity. Same violations of facts number 1, 2 and 3.”
Unfortunately that case seems to have been be dismissed. 1 Jun, 2020
17 million hits formerly BANNED by Google, Twitter, Facebook.
We're seeing far greater suicides now than we are deaths from Covid Redfield Jr. CDC Director
New Posts - Index 2021-01-20 Trump, Biden, Insurrection Act, Military control
World leaders, legislators, media moguls, celebrities, CEOs world wide are engaged in human/ child trafficking, rape, ritual abuse, and other horrific crimes, unseen by public.
1,000s are being and will be arrested, tried, imprisoned or executed.
Most people are ignorant of the huge crimes on going.
They honor and obey villainous criminals who have no authority over them.
Awareness: to see and know the problem is the first step to remedy.
Its all fakery. Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in our world
> Cabal Finished < ^ top of page
Famous people in government, celebrities, corporations, banks, arrested, tried, executed for crimes against humanity. 8 Feb 2021
Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions
> Restored Republic 2021 01 01
The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 8
New articles on Trump, Voter Fraud, Landslide Victory Covid & more newest articles ! ! !
Trump's Executive Orders - arresting pedophiles & foreign election interference.
This website has huge info, but the link above is rapidly expanding with current information.
Many links to Dr. Charlie Ward videos more links
UN Building with no Flags - Confirmed 7th September 2020
On Going Events - Restored Republic
Why say NO to Stimulus check, it's a trap/ trick !
Arrests and kids rescued 2,100 kids rescued in California and NYC.
News Aerial photos over Charleston W.Va. Contact h @ Mail letters for 2 ¢
People believe what is consistent with what we "already know,"
but we can research to learn new things.
Here is collected & focused information. Beyond this website, I share 1,000s of books, documentaries, etc.
By ignoring evidence, you can continue to believe as you now believe.
We're seeing the manifestation of what I've studied for 15 years.
Psalms 18:13: To judge, without considering a matter, is foolish.
Why say NO to Stimulus check, it's a trap/ trick !
Please learn how to use the vast materials here posted.
10,000+ pages on this website.
Also links to others. is great website.
People base our actions on what information we have.
You can get, see, know better information than mainstream, than what is popular.
Learn suppressed truths, get benefits !
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exquisite, enchanting ! since '88 Use back arrow to navigate this site
I wrote all of this website.
I do not guarantee any of this is true.
There is no advice here give on health, psychology, law, finance.
But when YOU investigate what is here,
you'll find abundant confirmations. is a simple way to find & confirm information.
You have to learn some things before you can imagine and learn more complex things.
A New Reality - book - Know Truth ! home page
Ted Elden, General Delivery.
Charleston. W. Va. [25301-9999]. 304 344 2335
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