Lesson 2 Total Commander
I like to help people think and do things as I do them. We all like others to think like we think.
I hope that as people learn how I do things, that will expand their ability to also communicate with many different people, quick and easy.
In our world, we are in serious trouble. We cannot solve our problems all alone. We need the knowledge and help of other people.
I don't have to meet a person and talk to them to get a benefit.
I can read their books, articles, you tubes.
I may get or copy some materials from them, like articles or books, and if I read it a few times, perhaps talking about it with others, I can get a benefit, even though I don't see or meet the author. His knowledge can benefit me if I can just find, read and apply it.
To learn is to remember. I remember best if I go over some materials many times.
I like to mark up the material, underlining or making bold letters on key concepts.
I like you to also have the source materials I get so you can also read & consider them.
Some times I read similar materials from different people, different sources. Then I have a better understanding, a more comprehensive perspective on the ideas and principals.
Some people must see things written in law, some like to see people who have done things, succeeded, to model after them, some of us can just take basic ideas, like common law and learn how to apply them without all the other support.
Some people think they can only watch a real presentation at a seminar, which cost serious money, and travel.
Some people think they can only watch videos, and cannot learn from listening to audio recordings or reading article and books.
I personally think that is bad thinking. I think that anyone can over come their limits to learning, by thinking positive and actually practicing reading, making notes and repeating.
Whatever we say with our lips or think in our head, becomes our reality. Think positive and get benefits.
We all learn at different speeds. The more you know about a subject, the faster you can learn about it.
Sometimes you have to explore, read, learn other fields to make progress in the field you are now studying.
Perhaps you have to go out and learn some Latin to understand some Maxims in Law, or learn legal words, or even abbreviations.
I read a lot, I think I learn a lot.
I think I get freedom, benefit, advantage, safety from learning and standing in knowledge.
If you want another person; a doctor, attorney, consultant, or psychologist to rule over and or even assist in your life, that is OK with me.
I choose to do as much as I can without engaging with those professionals. I think I can find, read, learn things that they will not consider.
The simple analogy I make is that many people are engaged in their profession to make money.
They are not as concerned about my welfare as I am.
I might read of cancer treatments & cures, or avoidance in law, or other thing that the "professionals" will not read.
He cannot give me benefit from something that he does not know.
We each can get as involved or not in any subject.
We each are forever and deeply dependent on many things; government public services like water, electricity, road, driving, travel, etc.
I think if you learn to find information and perhaps build a group of like minded people, that you can escape many of the limits around us that most people accept like: - paying fines, - taxes, - responding to courts, attorneys, judges, - paying back "loans" from banks.
I try to engage other people to think, inquire and debate.
As we get and share ideas, I think, at the least, we encourage each other and at the best, we get specific advantages.
I like and use computers to help me find, study, understand, remembered and share information.
Total Commander is the most useful program I have ever had or used I have purchased $ 1,000s in software over the 45 years and 40,000 hours I have used computers and the 350 different computers I have owned.
No one needs to pay me, but I accept donations. More then cash, I appreciate others who get involved with us and particularly those who bring others to our group, so we all might share, grown, benefit.