Common Law Right to Travel

Arizona Senator's Letter to State Officials

On December 10, 1985, Arizona State Senator Wayne Stump addressed a letter to the State's Director of Public Safety, Ralph Milstead, that is sure to shake up the bureaucracy. The same letter was addressed to the sheriff of every county, every police chief, and the head of every law enforcement agency having to do with traffic regulation in the State of Arizona.

Let the letter speak for itself:


                   Arizona State Senate

                   Phoenix, Arizona

                               December 10, 1985

Raph Milsead


Department of Public Safety

State of Arizona

2310 North 20th Avenue

P.O. Box 6638

Phoenix, Arizona 85005

Dear Director Milstead:

It has come to my attention that numerous individuals in our state have rescinded all of their contracts with the United States federal government, the State of Arizona, and each of its political subdivisions, establishing themselves as freemen under the organic national Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America. Consequently, they may be driving without auto registration, driver's license, or any other evidence of contract.

Because many law enforcement personnel may be unaware of the contractual nature of auto registration and driver's licenses, it is conceivable that this situation may lead to confrontation between these individuals and law enforcement personnel.

I urge you to inform yourself and your personnel about this matter as soon as possible. If you would like to be briefed by someone knowledgeable on this subject, please contact me.

In the meantime, inasmuch as this procedure is entirely appropriate when properly carried out, I would like to be personally notified of every such instance of confrontation in order that the persons involved and the public officials involved may be apprised of the correct procedure and the appropriateness of their actions on the part of each concerned.

My office phone is (602) 255-5261 and I am requesting to be notified of the names and incidents along with addresses and phone numbers of participants of any such confrontations arising from the exercise of a person's freeman status in order to evaluate the outcome of properly rescinded contracts.


Wayne Stump
State Senator
State Capitol - Senate Wing
Phoenix, Arizona 85007