is easy Be
curious ! Did you know:
When you find / suspect a truth, You can test it ! 25 Feb.
-- Elden mailed 12,000+ letters with 2 cents postage to people across the
My friends also exchange 2 cent letters !
- On any personal check, look at the signature line, You thought it was a line. When you magnify it, it actually is tiny letters that say: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE many times. This is a deception, your name is converted to all capital letters and you’re treated as a corporation, rather then a living person.
- Some write to your name in all CAPITAL LETTERS, Why ? Government, banks, utility companies & corporations spell your name in all capital letters. JOHN DOE does not have the rights and power as John Doe. When you learn the difference, you can gain the power, wealth, freedom JOHN DOE doesn’t have.
- 67 million Americans do not pay income tax. The
National news excludes these report, but you’ll see they’re easy to find & confirm.
In 1787, the
several states of the Union joined to form the Constitution of the
- The UNITED STATES is a corporation, which controls only Dist. of Col. & it’s acquired territories. like PR, Guam,
In 1871,
the Congress passed an act that made the “
Title 26 Income Tax
Code states specifically the tax only applies to those living or working in the “
The capital name; JOHN DOE is a fictional corporation created by government to try to control individuals. They can only control you when you volunteer to accept a benefit. If you respond to JOHN DOE as your name, then you’re under their control. It is optional. Learn law to be free. see Rights & Remedy at
- Governments (contracts) can only control those who consent. It’s voluntary. God created and controls man (John Doe), who may join with a spouse, have children. The family create cities, counties, states, and then the federal government. The federal government creates (acquires) & controls new territories, corporations, laws and federal citizens like JOHN DOE. The higher creates and controls the lower. The lower is subject to the control of the higher. Therefore the federal government cannot control living people, only corporations.
- Free Energy devices have been available since 1880s. They capture energy from the environment, like the aether or cosmic rays. They don’t consume oil, gas, coal or any tangible product. They are pollution free, yet generate useful work or over utility, excess electrical energy. National main stream news has ability to suppress vital information Learn of inventors, patents, press releases, working prototypes, & where to buy models:
- There’s 200 years of supply of oil &
natural gas for
- We live in a vast world of deception, things widely promoted and assumed are not true.
Read A New Reality (Elden’s free book) Question things.
- Millions know & share truth. yet most live in deception from national news, TV, books & movies. Truth Seekers; people, leaders, groups, seminars, books, etc. are easy to find when you look. They’ll set you free.
Truth Seekers
- National news is intentionally misleading. 9 Global corporation bought up control of national news. They get abundant information, but they carefully select what information they will publish and distribute. These corporations own the military industrial complex, they promote war, hiding it’s down side. They promote the need and urgency of oil, hiding it’s abundance and the free energy technologies. We live in a vast illusion, but since we are anxious to get along, and increase our wealth and property, we don’t question those around us. We live in unconscious fear. We fear to question might impact our job, family, or property, so we accept lies instead of thinking !
- Most live under restrictions of status quo.
They would rather follow the pack, then find the truth and live a better life.
This is the sad parody of
- 13 families rule the world. They own most of the wealth, corporations. They own / control news, governments, and effect laws. Specific safeguards like FDA Food and Drug Administration seem to protect the public, but actually they are the militant hand to crush competition and expand the activities of certain, chosen private companies, who are exempted from certain tests, reports, disclosures. Fritz Springmeier explains this
People depend on popular authorities. They lack confidence in their ability to reason Be curious, find a New Reality. Seek freedom:
See Claim Your Rights & Remedy at
Language is the limit of thought ! If you do not have a word, term or symbol for something you cannot see, remember, or tell another. Truths noted here are easily conveyed in language, presented in books, articles, videos, audio but from beyond the main stream. Main stream does not control all knowledge, only the popular, easy accessed information. Many do not know how to find these people & reports. Truth Seekers can guide you.
- Confirm any fact in a few seconds, with the internet. Learn how any person 12 years or older who can simply read, think, and type (ask internet a question) can find the truth from reliable and public records; Congressional Reports, court cases.
> Elden’s Thought Print shows how you can find or confirm a fact in just a few seconds. We no longer need authorities like; government, universities, corporations, experts to tell us things. We can find and confirm deeper, unbiased truth by using the internet. Use a word processor to aid finding, managing & sharing information with others.
Elden’s free
book, A New Reality, shows how, by thinking and reason,
we can Pierce the Veil of Secrecy and
find the Truth.
The truth will set you free.
John 8:32 2 page summary
- Our obsession with the material world and popular opinion keeps most people controlled by national news. Few have the courage to think, question and act. Successes are abundant, but the news will not lead us to those people, so we pretend they do not exist. Your life is as good as you want. Unless you begin to think, We all are divided from each other and controlled by the powerful state.
Truth Seekers help others with information and assist in many ways like; meetings, a library of 3,500+ resources; DVD documentaries, shortwave interviews, books & articles with proofs, 100s of web sites and links.
- TS Truth Seekers
meet 6 times
in Charleston Elden speaks around
- Claims here are easy to find and confirm thru TS website and resources, from
highly accepted public sources. Read & think deeper to get past
assumptions and illusions. Governments,
national news, corporate & expert spokes people lie to increase their power
and control.
- Amazing good things are on going, but those achievements & people are suppressed, threatened, harmed or killed. Find, support these great innovations, like free energy, healing. cures for AIDS, cancer & more which have been available for decades.
- Harmful
things are on going, in front of us across the
The ruling elites form a monopoly of control over most of us by suppressing information.. Fewer and fewer people are gaining control over most of us in many fields like: food, seed, money (banks & foreclosures), pharmaceuticals, energy; oil, coal, and more. They use government to control us.
Contact me to share vast library; DVD, e-Books
Truth Seekers
Ted Elden, ,
304 344 2335, ted @ abodia. com