I have many physical things. I'd like to let many of them go !
They did serve me. I don't sell anything, but I can accept donations.
Things I have you might want, and approximate value.
$ 100 Windows 7, ASUS laptop Computer, Skype is already installed.
About 200 conspiracy or truth related books.
Some I'd like to scan (hours of work !!!), then rebind
with a spiral binder.
That alone costs me $ 5-10 even if I then throw the book out.
If I mail the book that is another $ 5+ cost to pack & ship.
People who visit me might see the whole collection or I can send you images of the book titles
Some people like to hold & read physical books.
I offer or am able to show or teach many things.
What I think is the best value from me, is to let me show you how to use computers,
Then you can find, confirm and know the fundamental truths that rare not popular, or not available in main stream news, TV, movies, books.